The business at a glance

  • Business type: Solar Energy Distribution and
    Micro-Entrepreneurship Programme.

  • Location: Malawi.

  • Year Established: 2023.

  • Is it a revenue-generating arm of an existing organisation? No. The business is run independently by its co-founders, Sungeni Segula and Susanna Simango.

Which marginalised community does it serve?

Village Solar exists to support women from rural and semi-urban areas of Malawi.

World Bank data classifies Malawi among the world's poorest nations, with over 70% of its population living below USD$2.15 per day.

Women in the country experience notable gender disparities, encountering restricted job opportunities and economic access.

Malawi also struggles with severe electricity access issues, with 63% of urban and 98% of rural populations lacking access to electricity according to the latest census data.

Village Solar provides a business solution to address these dual challenges: electricity access and high unemployment among local women.

Tell me more about the business...

Launched in 2023 after a successful pilot, Village Solar empowers rural women in Malawi as independent sales agents distributing solar energy solutions to families without reliable electricity.

The business collaborates with women from existing Village Savings Groups (VSLAs), providing them with group-based financing; solar technology in the form of solar lamps and solar home systems; and essential business skills to empower them in their roles.

Once trained, the women are equipped to make sales in rural and semi-urban areas, with ongoing support from Village Solar. This approach not only helps the women generate income but also expands access to reliable energy in underserved communities.

To date, revenue is generated through product sales, with profits reinvested into covering wages, product procurement, and training expenses.

Meet the project leader

In 2024/2025 we'll be working with Village Solar Co-Founder, Sungeni Segula. We’re excited to help him grow Village Solar, bringing hope to women and households in rural and semi-urban areas of Malawi.

See who else we're supporting this year, and those from years past


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