The business at a glance

  • Business type: Healthcare Software.

  • Location: Ethiopia.

  • Year Established: 2023.

  • Is it a revenue-generating arm of an existing organisation? No. The business is run independently by its founder, Yisehak Abreham.

Which marginalised community does it serve?

Hulu Medicine exists to support people in urgent need of elusive medications in Ethiopia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

In this region, those with debilitating illnesses such as epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, kidney disease and even cancer, to name a few, often spend days or even weeks travelling to find their prescribed medications in local brick and mortar pharmacies.

This is due to factors such as limited availability, supply chain issues, and a lack of information about pharmacy locations and medication. These difficulties can lead to severe health complications and even death due to delayed treatment.

Hulu Medicine provides a software solution to address this pressing healthcare problem.

Tell me more about the business...

Hulu Medicine, which launched after a successful pilot in 2023, is a chatbot available on the popular messaging app Telegram. Its purpose is to provide swift access to elusive medications for people in Sub-Saharan Africa who urgently need them, but can't find them.

Users simply upload a photo of their prescription to the chatbot, and within minutes, receive a list of nearby partnering pharmacies stocking their specific medication. This innovative service saves them from having to travel for days or even weeks to find the medication in traditional, physical pharmacies scattered across the region.

During its two-month pilot programme, Hulu Medicine collaborated with 48 pharmacies, achieving a 72% success rate in locating elusive medicines for 116 patients, with 54% found in under 10 minutes.

The current business model, still under development, involves charging partnering health organisations or individuals a nominal service fee for searches while ensuring free access for those in dire need. The business is currently exploring alternative revenue streams.

Eventual business profits will be reinvested to expand its reach and improve its services for users.

Meet the project leader

In 2024/2025 we'll be working with Hulu Medicine Founder, Yisehak Abreham. We’re excited to help him grow Hulu Medicine, bringing hope to patients in urgent need of elusive medications in Sub-Saharan Africa.

See who else we're supporting this year, and those from years past


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