Bloom Asia
Early Learning Centre

South East Asia

The business at a glance

  • Business type: Early Learning Centre.

  • Location: South East Asia.*

  • Scheduled to launch: 2024.

  • Is it a revenue-generating arm of an existing organisation? Yes. The business will be run by Australia-based non-profit, Bloom Asia.

* Specific location details are withheld for privacy purposes.

Which marginalised community does it serve?

Bloom Asia Early Learning Centre is being established to support female sex trafficking survivors and their young children.

These survivors are already receiving support from parent organisation, Bloom Asia, through its counseling, education, vocational training, and employment programme. 

However, as they progress through the programme, many can’t access safe childcare due to a lack of support or affordability. Consequently, some are compelled to take desperate measures, such as prematurely leaving the Bloom Asia programme or, in the most distressing cases, resorting to giving away their children due to inadequate parenting support.

Bloom Asia’s Early Learning Centre will serve the dual purpose of providing childcare for survivors' children and a new pathway to sustainable employment. 

Tell me more about the business...

Once operational, Bloom Asia Early Learning Centre will provide evidence-based early childhood education (ECE) to families in South East Asia.

The centre has a unique business model, with fees paid by upper middle-class local clients and expat parents subsidising childcare spaces for the children of sex trafficking survivors going through Bloom Asia’s programme, ensuring accessibility and affordability for those in need.

In time, the center will also function as a vocational training and employment pathway for Bloom Asia survivors interested in the early childhood sector.

Eventual business profits will be reinvested into center operations, including staff wages. Over and above that, they’ll be used to support Bloom Asia's existing work supporting sex trafficking survivors in South East Asia.

Meet the project leader

In 2024/2025 we'll be working with Bloom Asia Early Childhood Director Becki Sardeson. We’re excited to help her grow Bloom Asia Early Learning Centre, bringing hope to sex trafficking survivors and their kids in South East Asia.

See who else we're supporting this year, and those from years past


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