Announcing our first supported venture

We are excited to announce our first supported venture EVER! Morningside Urban Market Garden in Auckland is developing a community garden that grows microgreens and edible flowers with the help of refugee women in the local community.

A disused bowling club is being regenerated as a garden and community space, local cafes will purchase the greens and these amazing ladies get the chance to learn new skills, practise their English, assimilate and settle as a valuable member of their new community.  

Why is this project so important?  Remember that All Good Ventures is about supporting social enterprises that use their profits to free people from 'something.'  In this case, profits will help 'free' refugee women who have fled their home countries and are resettling in New Zealand.  

You might think that once these women and their families land in New Zealand that they are now 'free.'  But in reality they are a long way from TRUE freedom. 

Refugees often face the barriers of discrimination due to lack of English language proficiency or a non-New Zealand accent, lack of New Zealand work experience, difficulty getting overseas qualifications recognised, lack of social networks and knowledge about how the New Zealand labour market operates.

Purposeful work and adequate income are seen as crucial factors in settlement for former refugees.  Being able to work also offers less tangible benefits such as feeling safe and secure, restoring a sense of self-worth and dignity, regaining a sense of control over one’s life, resolving guilt and  processing grief about the loss of self and country.  A job means refugees can live good lives that are productive for themselves, their families and the wider community.

We're excited to give the project a little bit of money and provide some business mentorship to Jason Dodunski who is managing the start-up with the support of his steering group.

This social enterprise is all about investing profits into REGENERATION - regenerative gardening and regenerating lives!

We were excited to spend a few hours with Jason in early April to help him with some business 'stuff' and hopefully we imparted a pearl of wisdom or two.  We will continue to provide him with business mentorship as long as he and his steering committee would like our help during their start-up phase.

We will continue to post updates here and on our social channels, so please follow us and encourage Jason and the team as they gear up for their first growing season in Spring (NZ Spring).

AND . . . we will soon announce our SECOND venture!  So, keep a watch out here and on our social channels - - or sign up for our newsletter to keep in touch.


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